Dr Andrew Sawczenko


Consultant Paediatrician

Specialties at a glance

Dr Andrew Sawczenko is a London born and educated consultant paediatrician with a passion for caring for children. He has over 30 years of practice as a children’s doctor and is one of the few specialists who are dually accredited in both general paediatrics and paediatric gastroenterology. Specialities Include:

  • General paediatrics
  • Paediatric gastroenterology
  • Nutrition, weaning, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, abdominal pain
  • Growth, feeding disorders, food intolerance
  • Asthma, wheeze, allergy
  • Headaches, fits, epilepsy, developmental and neurological problems
  • Eczema and skin problems
  • Coughs, colds, recurrent infections
  • Urine infections, bedwetting
  • Sleep problems, psychological issues
  • Vaccinations
Dr Andrew Sawczenko, Consultant Paediatrician

Book an appointment

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, please speak to our team on +44 (0)800 0483 330.

Alternatively, please fill out this form.

      About Dr Andrew Sawczenko

      Dr Sawczenko was born and educated in London. He has more than 30 years of clinical experience spanning the full breadth of paediatrics. He is one of only a handful of Consultants to have dual specialist accreditation in both General Paediatrics and Paediatric Gastroenterology.

      He is able to deal with all aspects of children’s health and development. His work ranges from the everyday treatment of common childhood complaints to the investigation and management of rare conditions, in conjunction with sub-specialists.

      NHS and Academic Posts

      Dr Sawczenko is honorary Senior Lecturer at University College London, and has published many peer reviewed articles. He has authored national and international guidelines.

      Articles & Videos

      • Jones R , Al-Hayouti A, Oladiwura D, Karim R, Sawczenko A, Dahlmann-Noor A (2020). Optic atrophy in children: Current causes and diagnostic approach. Eur J Ophthalmol . Jan 1
      • Manzouri B, Shankar V, Sawczenko A, Ali N (2011). Bell’s Palsy in a 3-Month-Old Infant: Recommendations for Management of Pediatric Cases.J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. Feb 15;48:e13-5.
      • Sawczenko A, Ballinger AB, Savage MO, Sanderson IR (2006). Clinical Features Affecting Final Adult Height in Patients With Pediatric-Onset Crohn’s Disease Pediatrics ;118;124-129
      • Sawczenko A, Azooz O, Paraszczuk J, Idestrom M, Croft NM, Savage MO, Ballinger AB, Sanderson IR (2005). Intestinal inflammation-induced growth retardation acts through IL-6 in rats and depends on the -174 IL-6 G/C polymorphism in children Proc Nat Acad Sci 102; 13260-13265
      • Escher JC, Amil Dias J, Bochenek K, Buderus S, Bueno de Mesquita M, Bujanover Y, Büller HA, Chong SKF, Cucchiara S, Fell JME, Henker J, Hildebrand H, Hugot J-P, Jedynak U, Jenkins H, Kolacek S, Koletzko S, Lazowska I, Levine A, Lionetti P, Maly J, Montgomery SM, Murch SH, Murphy MS, Paerregaard A, Sandhu BK, Sawczenko A (2005). Inflammatory Bowel Disease in children and adolescents: Recommendations for Diagnosis – The Porto criteria. J Ped Gastro Nutr 41(1):1-7
      • Sawczenko A, Lynn R, Sandhu BK (2003). Variations in initial assessment and management of inflammatory bowel disease across Great Britain and Ireland; Arch Dis Child:
      • Sawczenko A, Sandhu BK (2003). Presenting features of inflammatory bowel disease in Great Britain and Ireland; Arch Dis Child ; 88;995–1000
      • Card TR, Sawczenko A, Sandhu BK, Logan RFA (2002). No seasonality in month of birth of inflammatory bowel disease cases: a prospective population based study of British under 20 year olds Gut 2002; 51: 814-815
      • Sawczenko A, Sandhu BK, Logan RFA, Jenkins H, Taylor CJ, Mian S, Lynn R(2001). Prospective survey of childhood inflammatory bowel disease in the British Isles. Lancet : 357 ; 1093-4
      • Nason GP, Sapatinas T, Sawczenko A. (2001). Wavelet packet modelling of infant sleep state using heart rate data. Ind J Statistics Series B, 63: 199-217
      • Pollard K, Fleming P, Young J, Sawczenko A, Blair P. (1999). Night-time non-nutritive sucking in infants aged 1 to 5 months. Relationship with infant state, breast feeding and bed-sharing versus room-sharing. Early Hum Dev 56, 2-3:185-204
      • Fleming PJ, Sawczenko A, Young J. (1998). Infant sleep physiology; does mum make a difference? Ambulatory Child Health 4: 153-4

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      Contact the appointments team

      If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, please speak to our team on +44 (0)800 0483 330.

      If you wish to book online, for private GP appointments, please use our GP appointment form.

      Or, make an enquiry online using this form and one of our team will be in touch. Please note, all the information collected is required as part of our registration process. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by our team. You don't need a referral from your GP to make an appointment with us.

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        London Medical is located in the Harley Street medical area. Together with top experts across a range of multi-disciplinary fields, we offer the finest facilities for your care, all under one roof.

        Opening hours
        Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm
        Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm
        Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm