Dr Anmol Malhotra
Consultant Radiologist
Specialties at a glance
Dr Malhotra is a consultant radiologist with special interest in cross-sectional and breast imaging. Specialities Include:
- Radiology/Imaging
- Ultrasound
- CT
- Breast Imaging
- Gastrointestinal radiology
- Uroradiology
- Oncological imaging

About Dr Malhotra
Dr Malhotra is a consultant radiologist at the Royal Free. He was clinical lead for radiology between 2007 and 2012. He trained at UCL Medical School, with radiology training at Bart’s Health and breast radiology at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. He undertook an observership in breast and body MRI was at Memorial Sloane Kettering, New York, USA.
He is a member of the Royal College of Radiologists, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), British Society of Breast Radiology. He is a senior examiner for the final Radiology examination at the Royal College of Radiologists. He is an associate editor of Clinical Radiology. He has run numerous national and international radiology courses, and he has published and lectures on a wide variety of radiology subjects nationally and internationally. He has been a member of the organising committee for UK radiology congress. His research areas include breast MRI, photodynamic therapy (PDT), PET CT, and PET Mammography.
NHS and Academic Posts
University College London University Medical School; General medical rotation and MRCP in London; Bart’s and The London Radiology training programme; Sub specialist training Breast Radiology at St Bartholomew’s Hospital; Observership in Breast and Body MRI at Memorial Sloane Kettering, New York, USA; Consultant Radiologist and previous Clinical Lead for Radiology; Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.
Articles & Videos
- Survival of a pedicled latissimus dorsi flap in breast reconstruction without a thoracodorsal pedicle. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2012
- Defining the Role of PET-CT in Staging Early Breast Cancer. Oncologist 2012.
- CT-guided deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap localization – Better for the patient, the surgeon, and the hospital. Clinical Radiology 2012
- A case of mammographically occult breast cancer with sonological features of fat necrosis EuroRad 2011
- Clinico-pathologic characteristics of patients with hepatic lymphoma diagnosed using image-guided liver biopsy techniques. Leukaemia & Lymphoma 2011
- 18-FDG PET and biomarkers for tumour angiogenesis in early breast cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2011.
- Imaging of primary central nervous system lymphoma. Clinical Radiology 2011
- Benefits of CT-angiography localisation in the surgical planning of deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction. Breast Cancer Res 2010
- Patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy for primary CNS lymphoma should receive prophylactic thiamine to prevent Wernike’s encephalopathy. Br J Haematol 2010
- A Phase I Clinical Trial of CHT-25 a I-131-Labeled Chimeric Anti-CD25 Antibody Showing Efficacy in Patients with Refractory Lymphoma. Clin Cancer Res 2009
- Cross-sectional imaging of gastric neoplasia. Clinical Radiology 2009
- Complications of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. Radiographics 2009
- Imaging Features of Renal Pathology in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patient. Seminars in Ultrasound Ct and Mri 2009
- Neuroendocrine tumors: Role of interventional radiology in therapy. Radiographics 2008
- Imaging and histopathologic features of HIV-related renal disease. Radiographics 2008
- Phase I trial of the (131)I-labelled Anti-CD25 antibody basiliximab in the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory lymphoma. Blood 2007.
- Mechanical thrombectomy of occluded hemodialysis native fistulas and grafts using a hydrodynamic thrombectomy catheter: preliminary experience. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2005
- Embryology of the adrenal glands and its relevance to diagnostic imaging Clinical Radiology 2005
- Metastases to the Breast Revisited: Radiological–histopathological Correlation 2003
- Editor for MCQs for the FRCR Part 1 2010
- Radiology for the MRCS Chapter 2010
- CT of the acute abdomen – ABC of Emergency Imaging 2013
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