Dr George Amin-Youssef
Consultant Cardiologist
Specialties at a glance
Dr Amin-Youssef deals with adults only and is a fellowship trained specialist Consultant Cardiologist with over 20 years’ experience in complex cardiac disease and specialises in heart failure. Specialities Include:
- Cardiology
- Coronary artery disease
- Endocarditis
- Heart failure & valve disease
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Echocardiography
- Exercise, stress & transoesophageal echocardiography

About Dr Amin-Youssef
Dr Amin-Youssef is a Consultant Cardiologist having qualified in 1985 at Am Shams University Hospital in Cairo, Egypt.
Dr Amin-Youssef has held various posts including Clinical lecturer in Cardiology, Senior Medical Officer in Cardiology, Specialist Doctor in Cardiology and Specialist Registrar in Cardiology.
He has a special interest in heart failure including advanced heart failure, working in one of the largest heart failure units in the UK. The unit deals with advanced systolic and diastolic heart failure, valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease and echocardiography and has state of the art supportive imaging modalities, surgical, electrophysiology study, percutaneous and structural heart disease intervention teams. He participates in the multidisciplinary team for heart failure, valve and coronary artery disease in addition to his echocardiography expertise which has helped to put him in a unique position to be able to deal with all causes of Heart Failure, Valvular Heart Disease and Coronary Heart Disease.
He deals with advanced and complex heat failure cases and his work involves in and outpatient care. Dr Amin-Youssef does a cardio-oncology clinic which is a newly emerging sub-specialty.
His expertise includes trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE), trans-oesophageal echocardiography (TOE), exercise and pharmacological stress echocardiography looking at myocardial viability and reversibility, contrast imaging and bubble echocardiograms. He also has a special interest in cardiac investigations and assessment for patients presenting with cerebral stroke to rule out cardiac cause.
NHS and Academic Posts
Dr Amin-Youssef is also part of the infective endocarditis team at King’s College Hospital
Additional information
Dr Amin-Youssef is a member of Royal College of Physicians, European Society of Cardiology (ESC), British Society of Echocardiography (BSE), European Society of Echocardiography, British Society for Heart Failure (BSH)
Dr Amin speaks Arabic
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