Dr Jonathan Virgo
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Specialties at a glance
Dr Virgo is a consultant medical & neuro-ophthalmologist in the Medical Eye Unit (MEU) at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals NHS Trust (GSTT). First appointed in 2020, he specialises in neuro-ophthalmology and uveitis (including scleritis). Dr Virgo also leads the MEU immunosuppression & biologics service, and he is principal investigator for multiple clinical trials. He has a full time NHS contract and does one private clinic each week.
Neuro-ophthalmology areas of specialism: optic neuritis (multiple sclerosis; neuromyelitis optica), optic disc swelling / papilloedema (idiopathic intracranial hypertension), anomalous optic discs (blurred disc margins, tilted discs, crowded discs, optic disc drusen), optic disc infarction (anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy), compressive optic neuropathy (pituitary adenoma; meningioma), optic nerve atrophy (toxic nutritional; genetic), acquired eye movement disorders (not congenital squint), ocular myasthenia 3rd, 4th and 6th nerve palsy and transient visual symptoms (migraine visual aura; transient ischaemic attack).
Uveitis and scleritis areas of specialism: infectious and non-infectious uveitis, anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis and posterior uveitis (cystoid macular oedema, retinal vasculitis & choroiditis).

About Dr Jonathan Virgo
Dr Virgo completed medical ophthalmology specialty training in London, working between GSTT and Moorfields Eye Hospital. This training included time spent in all ophthalmology sub-specialties and extensive time spent working in Eye Casualty. As a result, Dr Virgo is a very capable general ophthalmologist. He is happy to see people with new or undiagnosed ocular or visual symptoms of all kinds. Lastly, Dr Virgo has a strong background in internal medicine, having completed core medical training in London, and through working on a general medical registrar on-call rota during his medical ophthalmology training.
In order to stay up-to-date, Dr Virgo attends weekly teaching sessions run by the Moorfields Uveitis Service and those run by the GSTT neurology service. He also leads weekly teaching sessions for ophthalmology registrars in the South London.
Dr Virgo is an educational supervisor for a Medical Ophthalmology registrar in London. As part of his NHS work, Dr Virgo runs the weekly MEU complex case round where he works, alongside other consultant ophthalmologists and a consultant neurologist. Lastly, he attends a weekly neuroradiology meeting and a virtual biologics clinic.
Dr Virgo has a strong background in hospital medicine and excellent training in medical and neuro-ophthalmology, enabling him to direct appropriate investigations and administer medical treatments safely and effectively.
Education and training
Genetics BSc, Nottingham University. 2004 Medical degree (MBBS) Brighton & Sussex Medical School Top of Year. 2009 Clinical Neurology MSc University College London. 2019 Medical Ophthalmology Specialist Training. London 2014-2019 (working at GSTT and Moorfields Eye Hospital) highest score nationally in Medical Ophthalmology knowledge-based exam.
Patient age group
Adults and young people (16+).
NHS Base
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals NHS Trust.
Medical Ophthalmology Society, Neuro-ophthalmology Society, Association of British Neurologists, Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Uveitis National Clinical Study Group, Special Advisory Committee for Medical Ophthalmology Training.
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