Dr Neil Srinivasan
Consultant Cardiologist
Specialties at a glance
Dr Neil Srinivasan specialises in the management of heart rhythm problems, also known as cardiac electrophysiology. His interests include:
- arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
- ablation
- atrial fibrillation
- supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
- cardiac devices and pacemakers
- fainting
- chest pain
- heart failure
- ischaemic heart disease
- acute coronary syndrome
- palpitations
- breathlessness
- angina

About Dr Neil Srinivasan
Dr Neil Srinivasan is a consultant cardiologist specialising in the management of heart rhythm problems, known as cardiac electrophysiology. He is a consultant cardiologist at The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre and works as a clinical electrophysiologist and academic, establishing the centre’s pioneering research program.
Dr Srinivasan trained in cardiac rhythm management at The Heart Hospital in Marylebone and the Barts Heart Centre in London. During this time he undertook a nationally awarded BHF Clinical Research Fellowship studying the mechanisms of lethal cardiac rhythm disorders and was awarded a PhD at the University College London (UCL). He has undertaken a period of research at Washington University St Louis USA as part of this developing non-invasive method of studying the hearts rhythm. He has presented and published his work at national and international conferences. He has extensive experience in performing catheter ablation and has authored and co-authored many major papers in the field.
He sees patients with all types of arrhythmia, including fast rhythms like atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, frequent ectopic or skipped beats, supraventricular tachycardias SVTs, VT and slow heart rhythms causing dizzy spells and blackouts needing pacemakers. He also manages patients with chest pain and breathlessness.
NHS base
Dr Srinivasan is a consultant cardiologist at The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, part of the Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Srinivasan is a member of the Heart Rhythm Society, the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), the Royal College of Physicians, and the British Heart Rhythm Society (BHRS).
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