Dr Nicky Mackie
Consultant in HIV and Sexual Health
Specialties at a glance
Dr Nicky Mackie is a Consultant in HIV and Sexual Health at Imperial College Healthcare Trust. She has more than 25 years’ experience in her field and she was the Clinical Lead for HIV within her Trust for more than 10 years, stepping down at the end of January 2022. Her speciality is:
- HIV Medicine

About Dr Mackie
Dr Mackie is a Trustee Committee member of BHIVA (the British HIV Association) and is the Chair of the BHIVA Conferences committee and a member of the Audit and Standards committee. She is involved with writing national guidelines, is co-chair of the NWL HIV and Sexual Health CRG and the NHSE London HIV Clinical Forum and a member of the BASHH (British Association of Sexual Health and HIV) HIV Special Interest Group.
Dr Mackie also enjoys aspects of her job around teaching and education. She is the deputy Convenor for the diploma in HIV Medicine (the national exit exam) and teaches each year at the European AIDS Clinical Society HIV Summer School.
NHS and Academic Posts
- Royal College of Physicians
- Trustee Member of the BHIVA Executive Committee
- Member of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH)
- Steering Committee member for the educational faculty for the European AIDS Clinical Society
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