Dr Rakesh Amin

MBChB (Hons) MRCP MSc MD (Commendation) FRCPCH

Consultant Paediatrician

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    Specialties at a glance

    Dr Amin is clinical lead for endocrinology and diabetes at Great Ormond Street Hospital. As a paediatrician, he treats people aged between 0-25 years of age only. Specialities Include:

    • Diabetes in children & young people
    • Endocrinology
    • Growth disorders
    • Puberty
    • Thyroid problems
    • Bone disease
    • Adrenal problems
    • Obesity
    Dr Rakesh Amin, Consultant Paediatrician

    Book an appointment

    If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, please speak to our team on +44 (0)800 0483 330.

    Alternatively, please fill out this form.

        About Dr Amin

        Dr Amin has been practising medicine for over 25 years and has worked at consultant level for thirteen years. His clinical practice encompasses all areas of paediatric and adolescent endocrinology and diabetes.

        He trained at Leeds University Medical School where he received an honours degree in medicine (1991). He trained in paediatric medicine in London (1996) before specialising in paediatric endocrinology and diabetes in London and Oxford (2004). Dr Amin was awarded an MD with commendation for research undertaken at Cambridge on the subject of the hormonal determinants of microvascular disease in type 1 diabetes (2006). Subsequently, he was appointed as a consultant in paediatric endocrinology and diabetes, initially at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (2005), then at St Barts and the London Hospitals (2010). He is proud to be at the clinical lead at GOSH and honorary senior lecturer at the Institute of Child Health (2012).  He has been invited to speak at numerous national and international meetings and have received several awards during his undergraduate and postgraduate training. 

        Thanks to his unique training culture within the NHS, his clinical experiences have been rich and varied. He has been lucky enough to work in several specialist centres across the country and has seen a vast number of children with both common and complex endocrine conditions. His experience includes managing patients from all cultures and backgrounds and is proud to offer everyone he sees the same level of service.

        NHS and Academic Posts

        Dr Amin has on-going research projects, and these include establishing biobanks of people with diabetes and being an investigator in a number of research trials. As well as his clinical duties, he uses his research as an evidence base in his clinics.

        Dr Amin is deeply involved in medical education at a number of levels. His current activities include helping to develop podcasts for the London School of Paediatrics as part of their Paed Podcasts Programmes (http://mrcpch.paediatrics.co.uk/). The aim is to develop podcasts discussing the pertinent clinical endocrine points relevant to the MRCPCH examinations. An example of one of these podcasts can be found on http://mrcpch.paediatrics.co.uk/podcasts/paedpod-short-stature/.

        As a trained mentor, he is also clinical and educational supervisor in paediatric endocrinology and diabetes for a number of trainee doctors. He also undertakes annual appraisal of consultants, am a supervisor for undergraduate training in endocrinology at GOSH and educates at Postgraduate Endocrine Training Courses and Symposia.

        Additional information

        Dr Amin says “As a parent of two children, I realise you need to get to know and to have trust in the doctor looking after your child. I see children and young people quickly and efficiently and only request investigations and start treatments if absolutely necessary. I understand the importance of being friendly and approachable, and in providing clear, jargon-free explanations.”

        Dr Amin speaks Gujarati.

        Articles & Videos

        1. International benchmarking in type 1 diabetes: Large difference in childhood HbA1c between eight high-income countries but similar rise during adolescence-A quality registry study. Anderzén J, Hermann JM, Samuelsson U, Charalampopoulos D, Svensson J, Skrivarhaug T, Fröhlich-Reiterer E, Maahs DM, Akesson K, Kapellen T, Fritsch M, Birkebaek NH, Drivvoll AK, Miller K, Stephenson T, Hofer SE, Fredheim S, Kummernes SJ, Foster N, Amin R, Hilgard D, Rami-Merhar B, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Clements M, Hanas R, Holl RW, Warner JT. Pediatr Diabetes. 2020 Jun;21(4):621-627. doi: 10.1111/pedi.13014. Epub 2020 Apr 14.PMID: 32249476
        2. Cardiovascular risk factors from diagnosis in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a longitudinal cohort study.Jones S, Khanolkar AR, Gevers E, Stephenson T, Amin R. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2019 Oct 4;7(1):e000625. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2018-000625.
        3. Inequalities in glycemic control in childhood onset type 2 diabetes in England and Wales-A national population-based longitudinal study. Khanolkar AR, Amin R, Taylor-Robinson D, Viner RM, Warner J, Stephenson T. Pediatr Diabetes. 2019 Jul 22. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12897
        4. Center Size and Glycemic Control: An International Study With 504 Centers From Seven Countries. Birkebaek NH, Hermann JM, Hanberger L, Charalampopoulos D, Holl RW, Skrivarhaug T, Aakesson K, Warner JT, Drivvoll AK, Svensson AM, Stephenson T, Hofer SE, Fredheim S, Kummernes SJ, Amin R, Rami-Merhar B, Johansen A, Kapellen TM, Hilgard D, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Froehlich-Reiterer E, Fritsch M, Hanas R, Svensson J.  Diabetes Care. 2019 Mar;42(3):e37-e39. doi: 10.2337/dc18-1253.
        5. Prophylactic thyroidectomy in children with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. Prete FP, Abdel-Aziz T, Morkane C, Brain C, Kurzawinski TR; MEN2 in Children UK Collaborative Group. Br J Surg. 2018 Sep;105(10):1319-1327. doi: 10.1002/bjs.10856. Epub 2018 Apr 17.
        6. Exploring Variation in Glycemic Control Across and Within Eight High-Income Countries: A Cross-sectional Analysis of 64,666 Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes. Charalampopoulos D, Hermann JM, Svensson J, Skrivarhaug T, Maahs DM, Akesson K, Warner JT, Holl RW, Birkebæk NH, Drivvoll AK, Miller KM, Svensson AM, Stephenson T, Hofer SE, Fredheim S, Kummernes SJ, Foster N, Hanberger L, Amin R, Rami-Merhar B, Johansen A, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Clements M, Hanas R. Diabetes Care. 2018 Jun;41(6):1180-1187
        7. Fifteen-minute consultation: Monogenic forms of diabetes with onset after age 6 months. Dyer EM, Amin R. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed. 2018 Apr;103(2):58-64
        8. Diabetic Ketoacidosis Severity at Diagnosis and Glycaemic Control in the First Year of Childhood Onset Type 1 Diabetes-A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Khanolkar AR, Amin R, Taylor-Robinson D, Viner RM, Warner J, Gevers EF, Stephenson T. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 Dec 25;15(1).
        9. Impact of deprivation, ethnicity, and insulin pump therapy on developmental trajectories of diabetes control in COB type 1 diabetes. Viner RM, White B, Amin R, Peters C, Khanolkar A, Christie D, Hindmarsh PC. Pediatr Diabetes. 2017 Aug;18(5):384-391
        10.  Ethnic differences in early glycemic control in childhood-onset type 1 diabetes. Khanolkar AR, Amin R, Taylor-Robinson D, Viner RM, Warner J, Gevers EF, Stephenson T. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2017 Aug 7;5(1)

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