London Medical Private GP Services

Osteoporosis screening

London Medical provides the most up-to-date procedures for patients – with clinics held by some of the UK’s most renowned specialists.

Worried about osteoporosis?

The bone thinning of osteoporosis can cause pain, deformity and increase the risk of fractures. The condition is common, but although high numbers of people are affected, osteoporosis is frequently missed. London Medical’s world-class specialists are experts in the diagnosis, treatment and care of osteoporosis. They can provide therapy, restore bone density and help prevent fractures, in people of any age.

State-of-the-art osteoporosis diagnostics

London Medical is equipped with the most up-to-date technology available for accurately assessing bone density. Investigations are carried out in the comfort of the state-of-the-art central London clinic.

A DEXA scan is performed to measure the density of the bones. It uses low dose X-rays to assess bone strength and diagnose osteoporosis. The test is quick, painless and effective.

The experts at London Medical also routinely carry out specialised biochemical tests, the results of this help determine the most successful treatments options for each individual patient.

Recognising osteoporosis

Osteoporosis often develops silently. The condition may be advanced by the time a fracture occurs. However, certain fractures including those of the spine, the wrist and the hip are more common in people affected by osteoporosis.If you have had a fracture, early menopause, low BMI, family history of osteoporosis, long-term steroid medication or are just concerned about the condition, the specialists at London Medical can help. The endocrinology consultants will listen carefully to your concerns, perform a detailed examination and arrange for testing.

Osteoporosis screening

Osteoporosis is a common condition resulting in loss of bone strength. It is a frequent cause of fractures and hospitalisation, especially in the elderly. Throughout life, the body breaks down bone and replaces it with new tissue. As we grow older, we don’t build as much new bone. The bone mass gradually declines and the bones progressively become porous and vulnerable to fracture.

Women are particularly at risk of osteoporosis after the menopause, because of the change in hormone levels. Hormones affect bone turnover and health. The female hormone oestrogen protects the bones, so bone density reduces significantly when periods finish. Post-menopausal women, especially those whose periods stopped before the age of forty-five, women who had early ovarian removal and those who missed periods because of eating disorders are all at increased risk of osteoporosis.

Although women are four times more likely to develop the condition, many men have osteoporosis too and they are often underdiagnosed and treated.

London Medical offers screening investigations, expert analysis and supportive care by experienced physicians for anyone who is worried about osteoporosis.

Treatment at London Medical

With effective treatment for osteoporosis, you will be able to lead a full and active life. London Medical’s experienced endocrinologists will consider your test results, your age, your sex, your general health and your personal preferences before prescribing treatment targeted to your individual needs.

Bisphosphonates, are given by tablet or injection. They slow the rate of bone breakdown to maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fracture. They take between six and twelve months to have an effect and treatment is continued for five years or more.

The selective oestrogen receptor modulator is a daily tablet that has a similar effect to oestrogen on bone. It maintains bone density and protects against fractures, especially spinal breaks.

Parathyroid hormone regulates the level of calcium in bone. We can administer a recombinant parathyroid hormone by injection. It stimulates cells to create new bone and can only be prescribed by a specialists, like the endocrinology experts at London Medical.

Calcium and vitamin D supplements. Calcium is important for maintaining strong, healthy bones and the body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. People with osteoporosis are likely to need supplementation with these vital micronutrients.

Testosterone replacement may be used in men with low levels of the hormone.

Hormone replacement therapy replaces the hormones that drop at the time of the menopause in women. HRT helps maintain bone density, reduces the risk of fractures and eases unpleasant menopausal symptoms. However, there are side-effects and increased risks of other conditions. Your specialist consultant will carefully discuss the pros and cons of all medication with you, so that you are able to make a fully informed choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Our Locations


London Medical is located in the Harley Street medical area. Together with top experts across a range of multi-disciplinary fields, we offer the finest facilities for your care, all under one roof.

Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm

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Contact the appointments team

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, please speak to our team on +44 (0)800 0483 330.

If you wish to book online, for private GP appointments, please use our GP appointment form.

Or, make an enquiry online using this form and one of our team will be in touch. Please note, all the information collected is required as part of our registration process. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by our team. You don't need a referral from your GP to make an appointment with us.